Be Prepared for Flooding

Preparedness is one of the most important when trying to prevent flooding.

After incurring damage during Hurricane Irma, the Cummer Museum in Jacksonville Florida realized that they were in a very vulnerable spot and more prone to flooding.

They turned to US Flood control to bring Tiger Dam  to Jacksonville and set up a perimeter to protect the museum from the projected onslaught of Hurricane Damian.

Thankfully the course of the hurricane turned and Jacksonville was not hit and the museum now has a Tiger Dam™ world class flood protection system that can be implemented if needed in the future.

US Flood Control & Tiger Dam are on call 24/7 and can be reached for emergency at 866-852-1118


[unitegallery jacksonville]


US Flood Control Training With HEB Emergency Preparedness

US Flood Control has always been committed to not only providing Tiger Dams™, the world’s #1 flood protection products around the world but to making sure that the deployment of those products is backed up with extensive training when ever it is requested.

See our training session with the HEB Emergency Preparedness Facility Management Team.

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Being Prepared for Extreme Weather High on Florida Agenda

With the extreme weather always a possibility on the Florida coastline, Floridians pre-plan for hurricanes, nor easters and high tides with education and taking part in demonstrations provided by US Flood Control and Tiger Dams™

Tiger Dams™ are water filled bladder technology, when deployed properly, this system may be able to divert up to 100% of floodwaters. Our System can be assembled within minutes using floodwaters or any water source.