Tiger Dam World Trade Center

Taking steps to protect the 911 Memorial World Trade Center with U.S.Flood Control & Tiger Dam™ systems.

Narrated by Tony Locasto, Chief Engineer, 911 Memorial and Cheryl Witmer of U.S. Flood Control this short video gives a narrative of the construction and implementation of Tiger Dam™ in place as the crew set up in a mock flood situation.


Keeping Memorials Safe From Flooding

Many memorial sites that are at high risk of flooding or water damage do to their low height above sea level have Tiger Dams™ on site for immediate control in times of storm or high water levels.

Places like New York City, New Orleans and Miami to name a few keep Tiger Dams™ ready to go and teams prepared and trained in event of flooding.

To find out more about the many applications of Tiger Dams™ and how they can help your city or memorial sites in case of flooding check out our applications section or call us 1 504 813-7303