In 2016, New York City began the Interim Flood Protection Measures program, which protects critical facilities, infrastructure and low-lying areas in the city from flooding caused my major coastal storms and hurricanes.
Watch this informative video to see the role that Tiger Dams™ play in this emergency management program.
The main causes or categories of flooding are, ravine, coastal & urban, areal and catastrophic.
These categories are based on the factors that trigger the flooding such as the source of the floodwater.
Areal flooding can occur in any mountainous area where heavy rainfall combined with excessive spring snowmelt overflow flood plains or saturated soil areas. This type of flooding wreaked havoc in Calgary in 2013 leaving water as high as row 10 in the downtown Calgary Flames Saddle Dome.
Ravine flooding generally occurs with excessive seasonal rainfall. The end result is the overflowing of riverbanks or the rise in lake levels at the ravine or river mouth. An example of this type of flooding caused extensive damage in the last couple of years in the Okanagan water systems of British Columbia, impacting the cities of Kelowna & Penticton.
Urban flooding can be caused by any number of high water events. Rainfall, snowmelt, flash flooding along with aging drainage systems can cause water levels to rise up through sewers, floors, manholes, even toilets making homes and large stagnant areas caustic and unhygienic.
Catastrophic flooding has many causes. Earthquakes, Landslides even volcanic eruption can change ocean levels and change water channels to new positions.
Failing infrastructure like a collapse of a dam or levy like in New Orleans during hurricane Katrina.
Tsunamis are also an example of catastrophic flooding effecting huge coastal areas like Japan in 2011.
Many of these types of flooding can be mitigated with the use of Tiger Dams™. Tiger Dam™ is completely reusable, and is the ONLY system patented to connect together to create an impervious barrier for miles, in any shape (circles, 90 degrees turns etc.) and is the ONLY system that is stackable, from 19 inches to 32 ft. in height.
West Vancouver’s Silk Purse Gallery and Music Box buildings are encircled by a “Tiger Dam” to prevent possible flooding from rising seawater due to the combination of an impending king tide and stormy weather conditions anticipated in the upcoming week. According to this article by North Shore News online.
In some places New York City is only five feet above sea level.
US Flood Control and Tiger Dam™ is doing it’s part to keep rising waters from infiltrating New York’s streets and monuments.
With ongoing training for local directors in the use and maintenance of Tiger Dams™ we are proud to be able to help protect many important memorial and historic sites like the 911 Memorial Museum, as we remember those who lost their lives on 9/11.
‘America was not built on fear. America was built on courage, on imagination and on unbeatable determination to do the job at hand.”
One of the great attributes of Tiger Dams™ is their flexibility. Not just that the dams themselves are flexible which makes them easy to maneuver, but also in their ability to be used in any situation where rising water presents a danger to property. Read more here about the many applications of Tiger Dams™
This time lapse video shows a crew easily putting in a Tiger Dams™ system in Sugarland, Texas ahead of Tropical Storm Bill to protect a community from eminent flooding.
Real time for this video is between three and four hours.
This new product for home owners by Tiger Dams™ is now available. No need for heavy, smelly, ugly and contaminated sandbags that don’t work anyway. You can us the Mini Tiger Box over and over again. Installs easy and disassembles and stores with no hassle.
Keep your home, office or storefront space dry with this made in the USA product. It’s made in the USA so you know you can depend on it to do the job right.
“Made in USA” is a label protected by the Federal Trade Commission, or FTC. In order for an item to be called such, the item must be made within the United States’ borders from “all or virtually all” American parts.
30 inches long x 8 inches wide x 8 inches high
Fill with standard garden hose, takes several minutes to fill depending on water pressure and can be drained within seconds when opened
Made from industrial strength poly
Mini Tiger Box can be used during all seasons (can be frozen)
Simply empty when done with cap off, hang to dry on garage hook. Disassemble and fold up in bag for easy storage and re-use when needed
Memories of Super Storm Sandy returned as Tamara Andreatta, RIOC’s Director of Asset Management, drove a group of us around Roosevelt Island while Frank Farance narrated, pointing out the storm’s high water marks, some still visible on building foundations. Tiger Dams may help us withstand worse future storms as failures elsewhere make them inevitable.
US Flood Control has always been committed to not only providing Tiger Dams™, the world’s #1 flood protection products around the world but to making sure that the deployment of those products is backed up with extensive training when ever it is requested.
See our training session with the HEB Emergency Preparedness Facility Management Team.
There are many ways flood waters can enter a home. One of the most common entry points are doors.
Being prepared for flooding events can help mitigate the damage done by flooding.
Flooding is just behind tornadoes in terms of property damage by natural disaster in the US.
A new product for home owners is now available – Tiger Dam™ Homeowners Unit Kit – from the inventors of the Tiger Dams™, the world’s #1 flood protection products. More emergency managers and governments from around the world use Tiger Dams™ than all other flood control products combined. No need for heavy, smelly, ugly and contaminated sandbags that don’t work anyway. Use the Mini Tiger Box over and over again. Installs easily and disassembles and stores with no hassle.
To find out more on how to secure your home, office or other vulnerable buildings against flooding, visit our Home Owners link for more information and purchasing options.