In response to last week’s severe weather, the Louisiana National Guard mobilized hundreds of guardsmen and deployed assets to assist communities with emergency needs. The Guard, along with agencies from across the state, continues to work tirelessly to help our people recover. #lagov
It’s a new year. Do you need a new flood protection plan?
There are many causes of flooding. Rain fall of a prolonged duration, high winds over water, dam failure, the breakdown of retention ponds and levees, and high snow melt. Flooding can also be forwarded by natural causes like wildfires that can reduce or even devastate vegetation such as low shrubs and indigenous grasses that would normally absorb rainfall.
Because of any of these conditions floods may occur on streams and rivers overflowing their banks into areas known as flood plains.
Even without rainfall the shorelines of lakes and bays can flood due to high winds that blow water into low shorelines.
All coastal areas are vulnerable to high tides and are even more susceptible to high wind, hurricane and storm surges.
Any of these scenarios can affect your home or commercial properties.
Tiger Dam™ and U.S. Flood Control have a number of solutions to flood protection and containment for you your home, businesses and community properties.
Tiger Dam™ Uses:
Commercial or Personal Property
The Tiger Dam™ system can quickly protect your property from the onset of floods. By strategically placing the flexible barrier around your business or home you can prevent floodwaters from destroying your property and assets.
Road Ways
Tiger Dam™ can be used to keep roadways open during flood events, and can be used when constructing roadways, crews can effortlessly implement the Tiger DamTM system to prevent runoff issues. This enables a hassle free environment to easily and efficiently complete a project.
River Crossings
Whether the need is to contain parts of a river for environmental reasons or simply to repair walkways or bridges, the Tiger Dam™ system is an economical and environmentally friendly product that assists in making any project easier.
West Vancouver’s Silk Purse Gallery and Music Box buildings are encircled by a “Tiger Dam” to prevent possible flooding from rising seawater due to the combination of an impending king tide and stormy weather conditions anticipated in the upcoming week. According to this article by North Shore News online.
One of the great attributes of Tiger Dams™ is their flexibility. Not just that the dams themselves are flexible which makes them easy to maneuver, but also in their ability to be used in any situation where rising water presents a danger to property. Read more here about the many applications of Tiger Dams™
This time lapse video shows a crew easily putting in a Tiger Dams™ system in Sugarland, Texas ahead of Tropical Storm Bill to protect a community from eminent flooding.
Real time for this video is between three and four hours.
Many cities in older areas have combined sewer systems (sewage and storm water). During peak rain events, the system cannot handle the capacity and spill fertilizers, automotive chemicals and oils, pesticides, and trash run off from the streets down into the sewers directly into the river system, bypassing the sewage treatment. Containment, specifically placed could control large volumes of water accumulation to reduce the threat of the combined system reaching its capacity causing raw sewage from going into the river system.
It is estimated that over 860 billion gallons of this cocktail of sewage escapes sewer systems across the country
Tiger Dams™, can combat the effects of overflowing sewer systems and keep these hazardous wastes from finding their way into rivers and drinking water.
For more information on using Tiger Dams™ for sewage containment give us a call.
As if fast rising flood waters aren’t enough you might also have to contend with the many different degrees of hazardous waste materials those waters collect along the way as well.
Many cities in older areas have combined sewer systems (sewage and storm water). This makes them particularly vulnerable to leaking into the river systems in periods of high water.
Depending on proximity, retention ponds and stagnant irrigation ditches can also become part of the mix as river and water levels rise.
Tiger Dam™ systems are designed specifically to control these and many other hazardous flood conditions.
Tiger Dam™ systems are the ONLY system patented to connect together to create an impervious barrier for miles and at ½ the price of sandbags.
Find more of Tiger Dam™ system applications here ».