RIMS GO BIG 2018 Annual Conference in San Antonio.

This year the annual RIMS conference is In San Antonio, Texas.

The Risk Management Society ™, (RIMS) is a global not-for-profit organization representing more than 3,500 industrial, service, nonprofit, charitable and government entities throughout the world.

Tiger Dams™ will be at the conference in general to promote our product to the insurance industry as a way to minimize loss during floods.

Tiger Dams™ is a water filled bladder technology, when deployed properly, this system may be able to divert up to

100% of floodwaters. Our System can be assembled within minutes using floodwaters or any water source.

Visit us for more information at booth #2151 at the RIMS GO BIG 2018 annual conference in San Antonio.

See you there.

Tiger Dam™ Environmental Friendly

Sandbags are labour intensive, are very costly and can cause enormous environmental hazards

Traditional sandbagging using a backhoe and thousands of volunteers can take days or even weeks to put up a dike to protect from oncoming floods. When the flood is over, try to find a single volunteer to remove the dirty rotting sandbags.

Sandbags hold contaminants like sewage, pollution, riverbank seepage, bacteria, bio hazards, etc. It is a federal mandate, that sandbags cannot simply be dumped in the local landfill, but must be taken away and disposed of as hazardous materials, at a great expense.

Contact us  (504) 813-7303 to find out more about environmentally friendly Tiger Dams™


The Tiger Dam™ system may be able to contain spilled bio-hazardous materials, wastewater and terrorist intended chemical liquids. The 90 second rapid deployment diversion Tiger Dam™ weighs 65 lbs. when empty, can be immediately filled to 50 feet holding 6300 lbs. of chemical liquid or slurry type mixtures. Simply use a 2″ pump to pump the sand/debris into the tube. The tube becomes an airtight holding tank, with over 6000 lbs. capacity –remove as weight capacity changes with the density of what it is filled with. Once contained in the holding tank, the spill can be pumped out at a safe and convenient time into a bio-hazardous tank truck/water truck and disposed of according to environmental standards.

Contact us for more information on the use & deployment of Tiger Dam™ systems.

Tiger Dams VS. Sandbags

If you had to protect your property from flooding either by rising water tables, hurricane or environmental disaster such as an oil spill, response time is one thing but having the ability to immediately put a deterrent in place can save your property and lives.

One of the factors that drives that time line is the difference between sandbags and Tiger Dams™.

Just the sheer number of sandbags required to protect one mile of ground is a deterrent to their use.

Just the fact that Tiger Dams™ can be set up in 1/5 of the time should be a tip as to how effective Tiger Dams™ are.

When tested at the ERDC facility in Vicksburg, Mississippi, Tiger Dams™ withstood a two week period of intensive testing with consistently, incredibly low seepage and no damage

Check out the difference between Tiger Dams™ and sandbags Tiger Dam™ VS Sand Bags
