Taking steps to protect the 911 Memorial World Trade Center with U.S.Flood Control & Tiger Dam™ systems.
Narrated by Tony Locasto, Chief Engineer, 911 Memorial and Cheryl Witmer of U.S. Flood Control this short video gives a narrative of the construction and implementation of Tiger Dam™ in place as the crew set up in a mock flood situation.
New York City preparing for possible flooding from hurricane Isaias.
The storm is expected to arrive late Monday night, bringing heavy rainfall and strong winds. Coastal flooding and power outages are possible.Tiger Dam™ is preparing their emergency dam systems in advance as part of the cities interim flood protections program in case of extreme flooding.
U.S. Flood Control is proud to be an embassador of the Weather Ready Nation.
The Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador™ initiative is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) effort to formally recognize NOAA partners who are improving the nation’s readiness, responsiveness, and overall resilience against extreme weather, water, and climate events. As a WRN Ambassador, partners commit to working with NOAA and other Ambassadors to strengthen national resilience against extreme weather. In effect, the WRN Ambassador initiative helps unify the efforts across government, non-profits, academia, and private industry toward making the nation more ready, responsive, and resilient against extreme environmental hazards. Weather-Ready Nation (WRN) is a strategic outcome where society’s response should be equal to the risk from all extreme weather, water, and climate hazards.
Some Members of the Weather Ready Nation and Watch Sites:
Flooding is a temporary overflow of water onto land that is normally dry. Floods are the most common natural disaster in the United States. Failing to evacuate flooded areas or entering flood waters can lead to injury or death.
[one-third]The National Weather Service brings critical weather information form across America. Climate information, Climate models, Forecast’s, and Weather Warnings along with thousands of locations and all weather affecting the continent.
[one-third]Home to America’s Most Trusted TV News Network and the world’s most downloaded weather app. Follow for daily forecasts, weather news, and severe storm alerts.
[one-third]U.S. / International Flood Control Corp. is “THE Sandbag Replacement Company” – protect property without sandbags.
Tiger Dam™ is completely reusable, and is the ONLY system patented to connect together to create an impervious barrier for miles, in any shape (circles, 90 degrees turns etc.) and is the ONLY system that is stackable, from 18 inches to 32 ft. in height.
The Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact is a decade-old partnership between Broward, Miami-Dade, Monroe, and Palm Beach counties, to work collaboratively to reduce regional greenhouse gas emissions, implement adaptation strategies, and build climate resilience within their own communities and across the Southeast Florida region.
Darryl Young of New Orleans blesses the clean-up workers and soldiers with the Louisiana National Guard as they work on the Tiger Dam to protect the Grand Isle from encroaching oil coming in with the high tide in Grand Isle, Louisiana
Darryl Young of New Orleans blesses the clean-up workers and soldiers with the Louisiana National Guard as they work on the Tiger Dam to protect the Grand Isle from encroaching oil coming in with the high tide in Grand Isle, Louisiana
The tubes are filled with water that will protect the store from flood waters outside.
This specific store was built upon 100-year flood numbers because of the flood plain around it. So far their own retaining wall has worked. The water is still expected to rise a few more inches to crest at 41 FT.
National Hurricane Center Director Ken Graham said the longer residents go between storms, the more complacent they become. He urges residents to stay prepared.
As atmospheric warming gallops forward, and as the waters rise all around us, hurricane season poses an increasingly dire threat to NYC. With calamity looming in the near-to-middle future, the city has long-term plans to fortify Manhattan’s lower half to thwart tides and storm surge.
Read More: https://bit.ly/2ZFScan
Article courtesy of gothamist.com, News by Claire Lampen
Floods are among Earth’s most common–and most destructive–natural hazards.
With as many as 19 major floods in a year and hundreds more minor floods causing millions of dollars in damage to property and infrastructure flooding is one of the worlds most destructive natural disasters.
Every year close to 100 people lose their life due to flooding.
If you live in an area prone to flooding keeping your property and family safe is a priority.
US Flood Control has a quick economic solution to personal flood protection.
Visit our Home Owners Kit page and see how this simple to use dam can protect you home from flood damage.
The Walmart off Kelley Highway in Fort Smith put up flood barriers as water levels on the Arkansas River grew. The store was still open as of Tuesday afternoon. Watch the video above to learn more.