Hurricane Preparedness

In the wake of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and with Hurricane Jose lurking being prepared for flooding is paramount.

For information on how you can control and prevent flooding with the use of Tiger Dam™ Systems stop buy the Us Flood Control Booth #501 at the League of California Cities Expo

For immediate response contact us or use the emergency contact button on our home page.


We have product ready for immediate delivery!!!

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Tiger Dams™ are THE most reliable flood protection system on the market, and the FASTEST to install. And this patented system is fully reusable. The Tiger Dam™ system is a water-filled temporary levee system. They are designed to take any shape, and are the only engineered system that can be joined from just a few feet to 100’s of miles long.
It is the only flood control system that can be stacked up to 32 ft. high.
In all Government and independent engineering tests, when anchored, the Tiger Dams™ have proven to be the most stable product in the flood control business.
As such, Tiger Dams™ are used by more Governments and Emergency Managers around the world than all other flood products combined!

We have recently been approved by FM Approvals with a Platinum level certification for Flood Abatement.

The Testing protocol was written by the Association of Flood Plain Managers and was facilitated by the Corps of Engineers at their testing facility in Vicksburg MS.
This is the only facility in the country that is large enough to test up to the scale need to meet the test requirements.

Don’t let flooding shut down your facility or property! Call us now for product details and pricing!

Flood & Hazardous Waste Containment

As if fast rising flood waters aren’t enough you might also have to contend with the many different degrees of hazardous waste materials those waters collect along the way as well.

Many cities in older areas have combined sewer systems (sewage and storm water). This makes them particularly vulnerable to leaking into the river systems in periods of high water.

Depending on proximity, retention ponds and stagnant irrigation ditches can also become part of the mix as river and water levels rise.

Tiger Dam™ systems are designed specifically to control these and many other hazardous flood conditions.

Tiger Dam™ systems are the ONLY system patented to connect together to create an impervious barrier for miles and at ½ the price of sandbags.

Find more of Tiger Dam™ system applications here ».

Tiger Dams Save Kelowna Beaches

With the recent flooding in Kelowna, British Columbia, Tiger Dam Systems™ was called in to help prevent flooding and erosion of the beaches that make the area a tourist hot spot.

Clean up crews are now busy in the aftermath of the high water levels and with beautiful weather now expect to see a return of tourism to the pristine sandy beaches and beautiful scenery that make Kelowna a destination point for thousands every year.

Read article by Chantelle Deacon –   Kelowna’s Homepage

Call us for more information on how Tiger Dam Systems™ prevent flooding all over the world.

Okanagan Flood Zone British Columbia, Canada

When Okanagan Lake reached a 27-year high, efforts to stem flood migration became a priority.

Tiger Dam™ Systems was called in to use their unique system of interconnected water filled bladder technology to keep the waters at bay.

The portable dams were deployed throughout the Okanagan Lake area in British Columbia, Canada including the cities of Kelowna and Penticton where even the historic SS Sicamous (a grounded paddle wheeler tourist attraction) was floating 20 centimeters off the ground.

Tiger Dam™ Systems has been called in all over the world to assist with flood control and can be used to contain bio-hazardous materials and wastewater.

To find out more about how Tiger Dam™ Systems can assist you with your flooding or retention situation, contact us or call Toll Free: (866)852-1118

Tiger Dam™ Systems in the Okanagan